Arbor Update

Ann Arbor Area Community News

City to Ease Prohibition Laws?

6. July 2004 • Ari Paul
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Ann Arbor voters may decriminalize marijuana for medical use.

And, apparently, medical marijuana use is becoming popular. Even “The United Methodist Church, the Union for Reform Judaism, the Progressive National Baptist Convention, the Episcopal Church, the Unitarian Universalist Association, the Presbyterian Church ( USA ), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the United Church of Christ have made statements supporting the controlled use of marijuana for medical reasons.”

  1. This is certainly good news! As many know, alcohol is much more dangerous than marijuana, which actually has medical benefits, particularly in treatment of cronic pain or appetite problems (cancer, AIDS, etc.)

    You should provide a citation for your quote, though. :)
       —Eric Goldberg    Jul. 6 '04 - 03:33PM    #
  2. Ann Arbor is so progressive! Liberal pot laws, useless city council resolutions against wars, ...and banning couches from porches!

    Ann Arborites are only liberal when it doesn’t affect their property values.
       —Brandon    Jul. 6 '04 - 04:12PM    #