13. April 2005 • Murph
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This Friday, the Ann Arbor Cool Cities Advisory Task Force is hosting a presentation of the project they plan to submit to the State for grant funding:
I write to invite you to a reception this Friday sponsored by the Ann Arbor Cool Cities Advisory Task force and the State Street Area Association to present the details of the project.
Date: Friday, April 15, 2005
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Location: Michigan Theater
What: Media presentation of “Sound Fall” followed by verbal presentation of the theater’s lobby conversion.
Friday’s reception will allow attendees to preview these unique projects, which are also supported by the State Street Area Association and Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority. Refreshments to be served, good times to be had. We hope you all can attend!
See you at the movies,
Newcombe Clark,
Cool Cities Task Force
The selected project was described in an earlier e-mail as,
The final recommendation of the task force is that the City of Ann Arbor submit a joint proposal that focuses on the changing State Street/Central Campus area. The first part includes the State Street Area Association’s plan to put a public art project on the Maynard Street Parking structure. This dynamic sculpture will combine elements of sound and light and was conceived and design in conjunction with the U of M School of Art. Along with the art piece, the Michigan Theater will also be seeking funding to furnish their recently restored grand lobby and to extend the hours of operation of the theater. The space will be made into a community meeting and resting place where people can sit and relax before and after a show and where they can appreciate the full splendor of this historic, city-owned amenity.
It was selected from 12 proposals submitted to the Task Force as the one that the City would submit to the State (The City of Ann Arbor may only put its name on one submission). The Task Force never followed up on my offer to post all twelve ideas to this site.
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—Bob Dascola Apr. 14 '05 - 02:49AM #
Umm… and it’ll attract the $-generating Creative Class twenty-somethings, too, right?
To paraphrase a certain Planning PhD student and former Parks Commissioner, Cool Cities is the Atkins Diet of urban planning/economic development.
—Brandon Apr. 14 '05 - 03:18AM #
—Murph Apr. 14 '05 - 03:34AM #
—Julie Apr. 14 '05 - 01:37PM #
—Bob Dascola Apr. 14 '05 - 02:34PM #
—Julie Apr. 14 '05 - 06:21PM #
—Bob Dascola Apr. 15 '05 - 02:49AM #
—js Apr. 15 '05 - 02:17PM #
—Laura Fisher Apr. 15 '05 - 03:48PM #
It’s a public event. The Task Force is presenting to the public the project that they’re going to be submitting to the State for grant funding.
—Murph Apr. 15 '05 - 04:04PM #
—Laura Fisher Apr. 16 '05 - 05:48PM #