Arbor Update

Ann Arbor Area Community News

Investing in Ability Week 2009

18. September 2009 • Patti Smith
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This is a little ways off, but mark your calendars now!

Art and Abilities: Investing in Ability Week—Oct. 19 – 31, 2009

Presented by the University of Michigan Council for Disability Concerns
In collaboration with the University of Michigan Health System and the Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living

For dates, times and locations and information on all events visit
the website here

Fourth Annual Symposium on Mental Health in the Workplace: Anxiety Disorders in the Workplace: What are they and how do they influence the workplace?

Dogs, dogs, dogs…and how they help! Meet service, assistance, and therapy dogs (and pups in training).

Afterwards: Expressive Writing for Veterans: A peer support group at the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System where veterans learn to use writing to work through difficult emotions. Sixteen veterans have participated in the group since May 2008.

Many Ways of Doing Art Collaboration: Observe the partnership between the UM School of Art and Design and the AACIL as people with disabilities working with art students create clay sculptures.

Adaptive Technology Computing Site Open House: Screen magnifiers/readers/scanners, including Talking Points (location info via cellphone) and Wheel-Able (provides accessibility info about UM)

Panel on Deafness: Personal Perspectives: Dr. Philip Zazove, Nan Asher, Julianne Bonta, Taurean “Tar” Burt, Alan Lobdell and Pam McGuinty.
Sign language interpreters and CART provided.

Understanding Autism and Creative Play: Working with children with autism can also teach us how to improve the quality of our lives. Michard Solomon, M.D., Medical Director of the PLAY (Play and Language for Autistic Youngsters)

And more events at the website here

If accommodations are needed, contact disability@umich.

Contact Person: Anna Schnitzer
E-Mail Address:
Business Phone: (734) 936-1402
Fax Number: (734) 763-1473

  1. The James Neubacher Award shall be announced in October in memory of the late journalist who was an advocate of the disabled.

    Click on the link above for mored details.

       —Kerry D.    Sep. 18 '09 - 05:57AM    #